Frequently Asked Questions


What is it like to work with a Professional Organizer?

We work with you to create and achieve your goals in a non-judgemental, fun way. We do not “make” you throw away your stuff. We like to ask a lot of questions that help you think about what you want and how you want to see your space. We love having fun and keeping the process light hearted. We want to help motivate you and teach you – how to do what we do, so when we are not there, you can maintain the space and dare we say, take on new projects on your own. You are in charge and the creator of the process. We are their to help facilitate change and keep you focused to achieve your goals.

How long will it take?

It’s very difficult to give an exact number. We try to estimate, but it is only an estimate. The speed of the process depends solely on you and your ability to make decisions. We do not want to rush you. We want the process to happen at a comfortable pace.

How much will it cost?

You can visit my Services Page to learn more about the cost of Synchronization, however, the entire cost of the project will be determined at the end. We like to strive to work within your budget. There are ways for us to work together, that can keep the bottom line intact and you achieving your organizing goals.

What to expect at each session?

We like to start each session with a brief discussion about the goals for the day and map out a plan for us to achieve them. During the organizing session, we will check in and make sure we are on track. Around 15 minutes prior to the end of the session, we like to have another brief chat about what we have achieved, the process, maybe assign some homework tasks and schedule the next session (if needed).

Do I need to buy new bins or organizing products?

We like to use/re-use the items/bins that you have to make it as cost efficient as possible, however, if you would like to streamline and purchase all new bins so they are alike, then we are happy to either provide a list of the items for you to shop, or shop for you (for a nominal fee).

Will you make me get rid of my stuff?

You are in charge! We will never “make” you get rid of anything. We am here to help facilitate the changes you want to see and achieve your goals. We may ask, if the item doesn’t feel like it aligns with your goals, but you make all of the decisions.

What to expect when you’re expecting an organizer?

Please do not feel the need to clean up or organize before we visit. In fact, we love to see how you live, so it gives us a better idea of how to map a plan and help you achieve your goals. If you are comfortable with shoes out and about, then we are, too. Your space is yours – not ours, so you have to feel comfortable with how you want it to be.

What Would Shannon Do?

This is a fun question that one of my clients likes to use when I am not there to help guide them through the decision making process and I thought I would give you a little insight to my humor.  

Will you provide references?

Most happily! If you would like to speak to any of our current or past clients, we would be more than happy to provide a few for you.

How can i become a professional organizer?

We love that you are interested in this profession! It’s our passion! We suggest starting to navigate the NAPO (National Association of Productivity and Organizing professionals) at, or our local chapter at, they both have great information there. We would also welcome the opportunity to chat more with you about the process, and answer any questions you may have. Feel free to send us a message through the contact page or give us a call.  

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