Transformations & Testimonials

Transformations are one thing.

Testimonials are another.

Take a look at what satisfied clients have to say about their recent transformations!



My wife and I wanted to express our thanks to you for a great experience working with Life Synchronized for our recent house move. After 27+ years in our home we were intimidated by all the work we were going to have to do in preparation for our move. This was exasperated by the fact that we were going to have to make two moves…one to temporary housing while our new home was being built, and then the final move to the new house.
The thought of separating items for this had us freaked out!!
But the cavalry showed up in the form of Shannon and Life Synchronized who calmed us down, took us thru the organization process, what we had to do, what Shannon and her team would do and the calm began to set in. Shannon made the whole process much easier for us and on the day she and her team arrived to dispose of those items we were no longer going to need, they worked tremendously hard and efficiently. Before we knew it, our give away items were gone and we could see clearly to the next phase of the move. We were relieved to say the least.
Shannon and her team did a great job, were very communicative, orderly, clean, wonderful to work with, and best of all did the job in less time than originally estimated and subsequently saved us about 40% of what we originally thought.
We would highly recommend Life Synchronized to anyone facing a small or large move. We liked them so much we plan to hire them back for the delivery of all our belongings from storage to our new home, where they can help us organize on that end of the project.
Thank you Life Synchronized!!”

Steve & Barb - Clayton, MO

“When I first decided to hire an organizer it was because my older kids had moved back home and brought all their “stuff” with them. They stuck it all in my basement and it was a mess. I could not walk through. No one would help me clean it up and it felt overwhelming. So I made an appt. and Shannon came. After our first meeting I did not think I would actually use her to do my entire house but that is exactly what I did and I have never regretted it. My husband raised an eyebrow about the cost but as the weeks went on and we organized and purged every closet in my house he could see the difference in how the house functioned. Everything had its place. But that is not the end, approximately a week or two after Shannon and I had completed organizing the whole house it burned to the ground. You might think “oh, all that time and money wasted…” but not so. Because we had purge all unnecessary items and reboxed everything in airtight and water proof boxes most of the things I wanted to keep were saved in my basement. If the fire had happened when the basement was a mess nothing would have been saved. Everything would have been destroyed by water. Of course everything on first and second floor was destroyed by fire. But when the firemen came to put out the fire the water came down into the basement calling. And I have used Shannon to help me stay organized in the two rentals until I rebuilt my house. Shannon has been invaluable as an organizer and over the years we have become friends as well. She is a delight to work with and she keeps me focused. She helped put things in perspective for me so that when I was getting rid of stuff it made sense. For instance, I had kept all pf my daughter’s baby dolls and dance costumes. WE decided to let my daughter (who was 25) choose the dolls and costumes that were special to HER. To my surprise she only wanted # of each and we were able to give the rest to some other little girls who would play with them instead of keeping them in a box where no one was enjoying them. My daughter will give her special ones to her daughter someday. Shannon is great and worth every penny!”

Terri Hill - Wildwood, MO

“Shannon has impacted our family’s life in many positive ways. She has helped us organize our finances, helped my mother file papers, and helped us close her apartment when she moved to a nursing home. She has a resource for everything, including where we could donate some medical supplies and an organization where we could donate large items…..and they picked the items up. She has a knack for knowing just the right resource or strategy to help with any situation. Shannon has become a valuable resource for our family. Whenever we face a challenge with our home or organization, she is the first person I think of to call. But the biggest reason we turn to her is because of the type of person she is. She is genuine and caring. She truly wants to help people and makes every effort to find solutions to their problems. She does so with much thought and insight, without ever losing her sense of humor. Working with Shannon is always a delight. She has positive energy and an eagerness to get the job done. I always look forward to talking with her and problem solving our needs.”
Debbie Myers - Chesterfield, MO

“Shannon Tamme is a truly a bright spot in the crazy, busy life that I can never catch up with. For many of us, taming our belongings is intimidating and overwhelming, but Shannon Tamme makes it a truly a pleasant and rewarding experience. I first heard about Shannon through a friend who gave rave reviews about her work. Since then, Shannon has helped me on a number of projects: downsizing and organizing a 3 level condo as an efficient space, my parent’s home when my father needed to move, my sister’s basement cleared and organized with new shelving. She’s also a great resource to suggest links and people for all types of home needs. The best features of working with Shannon are her optimism and her diligence to follow through on the task at hand – until the project is complete. She also taught me new systems and habits to keep organized. My husband desperately needed help organizing his papers and home office, she saw him through the process with patience and humor. As a couple, we both benefited from her expertise in paring down our things. The cost to hire Shannon is a great value for what you receive in return – an organized home, new skills and much less stress as a result. Shannon is outstanding, I love what she does and love working with her!”
Gretchen Schisla, St. Louis, MO

“When my Mom passed away, I brought Shannon in to help cut through the emotional chaos of dividing up a lifetime of memories, letting go of things, and incorporating into my home the meaningful things I wanted to keep from my parents’ home. I could not have done this without Shannon.
Not only does she come with her extensive experience, she comes with trusted resources, better ways to get things done, and her ability to always find a way to meet the need. I’ve yet been able to stump her. And I’ve challenged her with some doozies!
Helping people make decisions on items is only a part of what she brings to the table. She brings so much more than that. She not only works with individuals with their homes, she also works with businesses. Both have their own different types of needs and challenges. Yet she handles them all with professionalism, confidence, and her unending attention to detail. Her resources are endless. 
I’m confident that if Shannon says she can do it, I know that she can. And not only can she do the job, she will go above and beyond.”

Debbie W - St. Louis, MO

“I cannot say enough good about Shannon. She helped me after my mother passed away. Going through all of my mom’s belongings was tough. Shannon was the best. She took care of donations, trash, packing, unpacking. You name it.
I moved from Clayton to Chesterfield two years ago following a divorce.  Shannon packed, moved things, unpacked, organized and generally kept things moving smoothly and efficiently. Honestly, I could not have done it alone at all. She has contacts and referrals for any need you have that she cannot fulfill. She is smart, kind, honest and completely competent. I would most definitely trust her to do the job you described in the best and easiest way possible. She’s a dynamo.”  
Lisa H - Chesterfield, MO

“We could have never moved into our new office without Shannon’s help. She saved us money – and me endless time and frustration.”

Karen Hart - St. Louis, MO

“There’s all this stuff that is required to make a business work that takes a lot of time that I did not have. Shannon was there to do it all, including completing the office setup while I was in an advisory board meeting!”

Sharon Berberich - St. Louis, MO


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